Mushroom Whispers
Mushroom Whispers
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Game developed under 60h for a personal Christmas Game Jam in December 2024. Two themes were given for the jam:
1. Recently I moved to a small village in the countryside. It's pretty but there's a weird dynamic between the other residents. They're all behaving as if they were in a trance: they go to work, sleep, eat, but never with much show of expression or interest. That is, everyone apart from one woman who lives in the forest. One day, I followed her home, and I saw that she was foraging for mushrooms. I looked down at the ground and was amazed by what I saw. There were mushrooms of huge variety of colours and sizes. I picked some up and brought them home. Maybe they have powers?
WASD or arrows: move.
Spacebar: place torch.
Other Info
- Made with Godot.
- Music and SFX: designed for this project by Siri Livingston.
- Map layout inspired in the map from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
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